

Financial freedom - Touch

01 About Touch

02 My role

03 My journey in Touch

04 Identified problems

04 Identified problems

04 Identified problems

05 Understanding 401k

What's stopping users from financial freedom

05 Understanding 401k

What's stopping users from financial freedom

05 Understanding 401k

What's stopping users from financial freedom

06 Understanding users

6.1 Research methods

06 Understanding users

6.1 Research methods

06 Understanding users

6.1 Research methods

07 Key takeaways from user research

7.1 Integrating 401k accounts

7.2 Making finance multiplayer

7.3 Trust factor in Fintech industry

7.4 Designing news feed

08 Final designs

8.1 Onboarding

8.2 Home screen

8.3 News feed

8.4 Chats

8.5 Profile

8.6 Connect account

8.7 Visibility

8.7 Other screens

09 The making

9.1 Day in making of Touch

9.2 Iterations that made Touch

10 Concluding journey

10.1 Key achievements

Touch on Times square

Assets managed by Touch after going public (June)

10.2 My learnings